Registration Deadline: Feb. 12, 2025 Fee: $55.00 (If player needs an ERC Jersey.) Age groups: Coed 5 & 6 yr., Coed 7 & 8 yr. (as of March 1, 2025) Registration Deadline: Feb. 12, 2025 Fee: $55.00 (If player needs an ERC Jersey.) Age Groups: Boys and Girls 9-10 yr., Boys and Girls 11-14 yr. (as of March 1, 2025) Practice begins in March 2025 Coach’s Meeting: TBD Little Kickers: Registration Deadline: January 22, 2025 Fee: $25.00
Spring Soccer
5-8 yr. old: This league focuses on fundamental skills, fun, and participation and social interaction through practice and organized games. The soccer league is offered to boys and girls. The ERC will be playing 4 on 4 or 3 on 3 Coed Soccer in town. If we do not get the numbers for an in-town league, the kids will be entered in Hays Recreation League. All youth must have shin guards to play and are responsible for providing their own.
$30.00 (If player does not need a Jersey.)
Late Registration Deadline is February 19, 2025
Fee: $38, if player has a jersey
$63, if player needs a jersey
Game Schedules:
5-6 yr. old division
HRC 9-14 yr. League: The 9-14-year-old divisions play in accordance with the Hays Recreation Commission soccer program. The soccer league is offered to boys and girls. The HRC will schedule games, appoint referees, and take care of hosting the games. All youth must have shin guards to play and are responsible for providing their own.
$30.00 (If player does not need a Jersey.)
Late Registration Deadline is February 19, 2025
Fee: $38, if player has a jersey
$63, if player needs a jersey
(These leagues may have to be altered depending upon registration.)
Game Schedules:
9-10 yr old division
11-14 yr. old division
This program prepares children for organized soccer in a fun environment. The children and their parents will learn together skills like kicking, dribbling, trapping, throw ins and agility. This is a great way to introduce soccer at a young age. This is not a league – therefore there are no coaches, practices, etc. We meet once a week for 45 minutes to learn the basics of soccer. Registration is on a first come first served basis. When the class roster is filled, registration will be closed.
Dates: Monday, February 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
Time: 6:15pm
Ages: 4-year-old (by Feb. 1, 2025)
Limitations: Max. 15
Location: Ellis North Campus Gym